9 Easy Steps To A Pedicure

9 Easy Step To A Pedicure

Before putting on those sexy, comfortable open toe shoes make sure your feet skin is in good condition. With these easy nine steps you too will have silky feet. So go ahead get ready to do your own pedicure.

1. Soak your feet for 10-15 minutes in warm water 
    containing Epsom salt or foot soak.

2. Use a pumice stone, exfoliating scrub to gently
    scrub the soles and all over your feet and heel to
    remove dead skin.

3. Dry your feet.

4. Trim your toenails and push back cuticles.

5. Rinse feet once again and pat dry.

6. Massage feet with plenty of foot lotion. Body lotion, petroleum jelly or cream can be use to replace foot 

7. Wrap feet on plastic bags and cover for at least 15 minutes.

8. Paint toe nails. Make sure to apply at least to coats of nail polish and a top coat of clear nail polish to give 
    it more shine. Give it enough time to dry, before putting on any shoes. If you put on shoes too soon your 
    pedicure will be ruined.

9. Enjoy your self given & low cost pedicure!

About The Author
Kenia Morales is the owner and publisher of online magazine " For Every Aspect Of Today's Woman".

8 Natural Health Beauty Tips

8 Natural Health Beauty Tips

The number one natural beauty tip I can give you is to take your health seriously.
In Chinese medicine, we know that natural external beauty is a reflection of inner health and well being. Often, the solution to external beauty problems is an internal one. That means foods and herbs.

In the case of skin problems, herbs can be use to create creams or wraps and applied directly.
In Chinese medicine, we treat problems like acne, blemishes, and other skin problems, hair loss, and premature graying of the hair.
Some of this you may need to see a Chinese medicine herbalist for, but some of it you may be able to deal with yourself.

I'm going to give you natural beauty tip after natural beauty tip to help you do just that.

Natural Beauty Tip #1 - Eyes Lacking Luster
What does it mean? You can see it in babies and young children - bright, glowing eyes. Our oldest Chinese medicine classic (written between 200-500 B.C.) states that "the essence of the internal organs ascends to the eyes."
The Bible says something similar, "Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light."
Clear and glittering (shining) eyes indicate vitality of mind and essence. Dull, clouded eyes reflect a disturbed mind, and weakened essence - this often happens in people with long term and deep emotional problems.

How can you fix it? Well, first of all, if you have some emotional problems, work through it with a professional- either a counselor, therapist, or someone within your religion. This is one part of getting to the clear, vibrant personality that shines through in bright eyes. It may take a while to get there. Second, you can take herbs and eat foods that benefit the eyes.

Probably the best Chinese herb for the eyes is lycium fruit (gou qi zi). Other herbs are black sesame seeds (hei zhi ma), and privet fruit (nu zhen zi). Good foods for the eyes include shepherd's purse, undried raspberry (fu pen zi), and animal liver.

Natural Beauty Tip #2 - Bags Under Your Eyes
Bags under the eyes indicate Kidney-system (root energy) deficiency, blood stagnation, or allergies. Respectively, the solutions are to increase energy and minimize overwork; get more movement and circulation; and find the allergy cause, eliminate it, and take anti-allergenic herbs and foods.

The Kidney-system energy is limited. If you overwork, have too much sex, or use more energy than your digestive system can produce, you'll dip into this limited energy fund. This can lead to more than circles under your eyes- you can end up with premature aging and hair loss, impotence and infertility, and ankle, knee, and lower back problems. If that's your problem, try to practice moderation, eat better, and take supplemental herbs and foods like black cohosh, Chinese chive, mutton, walnut, oysters, pork, dried rehmannia (sheng di), Chinese yam (shan yao), and horny goat weed (yin yang huo).

Blood stagnation can mean sharpn stabbing pains; clots and dark blood in the menstruation; irregular menstruation; and hard spots in the abdomen. If you have this, try celery, rose, yellow soybean, seaweed, mung bean, corn, eggplant, cucumber, and hemlock parsley (chuan xiong).

For allergies, get both IgG and IgE done for both external (skin test) and food allergies (blood test). If you find something substantial, avoid it! For food and herbs, try garlic, fresh ginger, royal jelly, chicken, beef, chestnut, astragalus (huang qi), kudzu vine (ge gen), and welsh onion (cong bai).

Natural Beauty Tip #3 - Acne
This is literally too much heat - your face has become a volcano just to let it out! Try mung bea, seagrass, seaweed, Chinese hawthorn (shan zha), Job's tears (yi yi ren), and purple sage (dan shen). Avoid spicy foods, greasy foods, and fried foods.
Try some raw vegetables, too.

Natural Beauty Tip #4 - Dry Skin
Moistening herbs and foods are soy, spinach, asparagus, millet, barley, salt, seaweed, apple, tangerine, pinenut, persimmon, peanut, pear, honey, oysters, and clams. A seaweed facial wrap would be nice, too!

Natural Beauty Tip #5 - Eczema
Try guava, clam, irish potato, he shou wu, wild chrysanthemum, mugwort, Job's tears (yi yi ren), and asian dandelion (pu gong ying). Avoid spicy foods, greasy foods, and fried foods.

Natural Beauty Tip #6 - Psoriasis
Try turnip root leaf, vinegar, grapefruit, black plum (wu mei), cloves (ding xian), and dang gui (aka dong quai).

Natural Beauty Tip #7 - Prematurely Graying Hair
This can happen for two reasons- either you have a root energy (Kidney system) deficiency (for more information and solutions, see the Kidney deficiency information up under natural beauty tip #2), or you have what is called 'hot blood.' The second one happens with bleeding, nosebleed, skin ulcers, and urinary difficulties. For hot blood, take black soybean, processed dried persimmons, processed rehmannia (shu di huang), and dried rehmannia (shu di huang).

Natural Beauty Tip #8 - Premature Aging
This is another Kidney-system deficiency.

Try walnut, chicken, duck, he shou wu, Chinese ginseng, deer antler velvet (the deers aren't harmed! Lu rong), astragalus (huang qi), lycium fruit (gou qi zi), horny goat weed (yin yang huo), caterpillar larva fungus (dong chong xia cao), and red date (da zao).

References:Sionneau & Gang. The Treatment of Disease in TCM: Volume 2. Lu. Chinese Herbs with Common Foods: Recipes for Health and Healing. Pitchford. Healing With Whole Foods.

Cellulite Reduction

Spa Solutions for Cellulite Reduction
By Wenona Napolitano

I was once told by a doctor that nothing could be done about cellulite once you have it. Now modern science has come up with several ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite. I guess they realized how important beauty is and how much money they could make off women that want to be beautiful. Most of the spa treatments are pricey, but if you have the money and you want smooth thighs it is well worth it.

Endermologie is one of the most popular treatments for cellulite it uses a motorized machine that has rollers that lift, stretch, spin and suck the skin. The treatment loosens the connective tissues that gives fat and skin that bumpy texture. It improves the circulation and helps make the skin appear smoother. Cost can range from $50 to $150 a session with up to 14 visits being recommended.

Tri-Active LaserDermology is another treatment for cellulite. It combines a machine that gives a suction massage, localized cooling, and heated laser stimulation to the skin and fat beneath. It breaks down fat pockets and increases circulation. 10 to 15 sessions are usually required and costs can range from $100-$200 per treatment.

VelaSmooth consists of radio frequency waves to break up fat pockets and infrared heat to improve circulation followed by massage to loosen connective tissue. Currently VelaSmooth is only approved in Europe and Canada but FDA approval is pending. For more information and updates visit www.syneron.com/cellulite.html

The Anushka 5 week Body Contouring Program combines personalized diet, topical lotions, muscle stimulation, inflatable leg boots, body wraps, and rollers to tone and firm thighs and break down cellulite.

Acupuncture can also be used to treat cellulite. To find a reputable acupuncturist that can do treatments for cellulite visit www.acufinder.com

Mesotherapy is a treatment that injects a solution of enzymes and detergents into troubled areas to melt away fat. The treatment was developed in France over 50 years ago but is not regulated in the United States. Some plastic surgeons do use this therapy.

Another option is a personalized cellulite reduction work out program incorporating targeted leg workouts, toning, and cardio and strength training. Adding Pilates works wonders at toning and smoothing thighs and buttocks.

Cellulite can be treatable but even after treatments cellulite may not be completely gone but noticeably reduced. Regular maintenance may still be required after the initial treatments.

Home Cellulite Treatments

Home Treatments and Products for Cellulite Reduction
By Wenona Napolitano

Cellulite occurs when the connective tissue pulls down on fat causing the fat to bulge under the skin. The less fat you have the less noticeable cellulite is. Diet and exercise play an important role in reducing the appearance of cellulite.

If you want to reduce cellulite you need to detox your body, especially your liver and colon. Lay off nicotine and caffeine, do not consume excess salt or fat and drink plenty of water. Eat foods rich in nutrients like soy, blueberries and nuts. Make sure you get the nutrients glucosamine, B vitamins and essential fatty acids. Onions are also a wonderful food to combat cellulite. Onions act as a natural diuretic releasing water buildup from skin cells.

Exercise to lose weight and tone your legs and buttocks. Do specific exercises to increase muscle mass in your thighs like walking, biking, stair climbing, yoga and pilates. The less fat and more muscle you have will make cellulite disappear. Muscle will stretch the skin and smooth out the dimpled bumpy appearance.

To increase circulation and break up the fat do daily massages to troubled areas. You can also use a body brush in the shower or bath with a body wash or exfoliating product to help increase circulation. Use aromatherapy oils in your bath to stimulate your system: Sage, cypress, and juniper oils aid with cellulite reduction.

Wearing pantyhose will also help combat and reduce cellulite, especially the body shaping ones that contour your thighs. Pantyhose compress fat and help aid circulation. There are cellulite reduction pantyhose on the market now specifically made to help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

You can make a body wrap at home with coffee grounds and seaweed to help reduce cellulite. Take warm coffee grounds and spread on troubled areas, wrap with moist seaweed (can be purchased at health food stores) then cover with plastic wrap. Keep the wrap on for about a half hour. Un wrap and rinse off in the shower. Massage your thighs as you rinse off.

There are also many commercial products that you can purchase to help combat cellulite. Some of the most popular are: L’Oreal Sublime Slim which consists of a day and a night gel to apply daily, Clarins Total Body Lift, Murad Firm and Tone Serum, Body Creator Aromatic Firming Cream, Algotherm Pulpe Activ Minceur, and Guinot Absolue Minceur home version products.
If you have money to spend on your cellulite treatment, there are many good Spa cellulite reduction methods.
Cellulite may never completely disappear but at least you can minimize it and make your thighs look as good as possible when you want to put on a bikini or a mini skirt.

Acne Treatment

Acne Treatment

Acne, or Acne Vulgaris, as it is medically called, is one of the most common problems teenagers face. Caused by changing hormone levels and genetic disposition, it is most common in those with oily skins and is usually worse in boys than girls. Over 80% of males and 70% of females going through puberty use some kind of acne medication, sometimes to prevent mild acne from worsening and sometimes to treat conditions like cystic acne, a type of acne which can cause acne scars if not treated.

Acne treatment & products

According to most acne specialists, the most important factor in treating acne is to start treatment early, before it becomes widespread. Teenagers who have oily skin, have siblings who are already undergoing acne treatment or who have one or more facial spots, should see a skin specialist and start acne medication as recommended by him. The first type of acne treatment which sufferers try is usually one of the many over the counter acne medications, such as Persa-gel or Stridex, which reduce the amount of bacteria on the skin. Often these acne products have little or no effect, and the next stage is a prescription acne treatment, usually a topical antibiotic cream or oral antibiotics such as erythromycin or tetracycline.

Acne skin care

Many teenagers do not realise that they can have an influence on the amount of spots they get by changing their behaviour slightly, for example acne skin care. Keeping facial skin clean and not touching the face can have a big effect, as can reducing stress and increasing the amount of outside activities engaged in.

Girls can use hypo-allergenic make-up or reduce the length of time per day that they use it, and should cleanse the skin thoroughly with an alcohol containing solution

Adult acne

Most people think of acne as a typically teenage problem, but some acne sufferers either get acne as teenagers and never get rid of it, or have no acne as teenagers and later suddenly develop it. Adult acne sufferers can try the topical acne medications or antibiotic treatments, but often gain more relief from oral hormonal acne treatments such as Ortho Tri-Cyclen, which doubles as an oral contraceptive, or in severe cases from oral doses of Isotretinoin. This form of vitamin A is often extremely effective although it is teratogenic, which means that it causes birth defects, so that pregnant women or those who may become pregnant cannot use it.

Adult acne, which is really just the same as teenage acne, can start in women who have just given birth because of changes in hormone levels, and can appear in women who had little or no acne as teenagers. It can become very severe, and can lead to pustule and papule formation. This is a form of cystic acne which often leaves acne scars, so that even when the acne has gone the scars remain, sometimes as hypertrophic, lumpy areas which are hard to hide with makeup.

Acne laser treatment for scars

Doctors often recommend acne laser treatment for scars of this nature, especially in cases where cortisone injections have no effect. Cryotherapy is another treatment for acne scars, using repeated freezing to gently shrink scar tissue. However, prevention is much more effective than treatment, and most acne treatment is aimed at stopping the development of cystic acne.

Acne laser treatment has also been tried recently in a related form of skin disease called Acne Inversa, caused by sweat gland inflammation. This chronic condition is characterised by inflamed abscesses in the groin and armpits, and rarely on the scalp. The usual acne treatment of oral antibiotics often helps to control the condition, but the scarring left by the abscesses can be severe enough to limit movement, and is not always helped by cortisone injections. Acne laser treatment may offer a less invasive treatment than full surgery, and together with other acne medications such as Isotretinion, acne scars may be a thing of the past for these patients.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

What is laser?

Laser is an intense beam of light energy, which at different wavelenths, targets different structures in the skin. Our new generation Alexandrite Hair Removal Laser targets the pigment in the hair follicle, destroying it without causing damage to the surrounding skin.
Hair grows in a 3-phase cycle- it has a growing phase, a dormancy phase and a resting phase. Only hair that is in the growing (anagen) phase can be successfully removed with the laser. At any one time approximately 85% of hairs are in the anagen phase. This is why a series of treatments is required to get effective hair reduction.

How permanent is the laser?

No laser can guarantee permanent hair removal. Anyone who claims this is bending the truth. Our laser has FDA approval for permanent hair reduction. It is as permanent as today's technology allows.

Which type of laser is the best for hair removal?

There are many lasers being marketed today, and many of them will reduce hair growth. This practice has tested all the types of laser in the current market and we believe our Alexandrite to be the best because:-)

- It produced the best result with the least side effect of all the lasers tested.
- It is much less painful than other lasers.
- Its target depth is the same as the hair follicle so it is more effective at obliteration of the
unwanted hair.
- The large hand piece can deliver the treatment to an area 5 X the size of most other lasers
which means faster treatment and lower cost to the patient.
- The computerized delivery system helps to ensure safe and effective treatment

How many sessions do I need?

Because hair grows in cycles, you will probably require four to six treatments, depending on the type and quality of the hair. Many patients find that they are happy after 3 or 4 treatments, but may need a maintenance session about 6 months down the track. With each session there will be less hair to treat, so it may be faster and less expensive

Is the procedure painful?

No, not really. It is described as a slight stinging, or feeling of heat. Some say it feels like a snap of an elastic band, while others experience no discomfort at all. It depends on the individual

Are there any side effects?

The procedure is very safe with a less than 5% complication rate. Immediately after the treatment there is usually some redness and perhaps some slight swelling. This is similar to the appearance of skin after waxing, and should resolve within a few hours. In a minority of cases it may take up to twenty-four hours afterwards.

More serious complications are rare, but these include skin burning, pigmentation changes, scarring, prolonged redness and swelling, and occasional indentation of skin. Our Laser Nurses are well trained in laser technology, including laser safety, and they have experience with a wide range of lasers. This practice pays scrupulous attention to ensuring the best possible patient result without complications.

What will affect the procedure?

- Please stay out of the sun for at least three to four weeks prior to laser therapy. Because the
laser targets pigment, if your skin is tanned you are at risk of burning.
- No solariums or fake tans prior to laser therapy for at least three to four weeks.
- No waxing or bleaching for at least two weeks prior to laser.
- Please shave area one to two days prior to treatment.
- Please refrain from wearing any makeup or moisturiser if treating face, deodorants if treating
underarms or moisturisers to body if treating those areas.
- If you are having your bikini line treated please wear white underwear.

Post treatments

Keep the treated area clean and free from cosmetics or creams for at least 24hrs after treatment and ensure you stay out of the sun for at least two weeks.
We always want to know if you have any questions or problems with your treatment. Please call us immediately if you have any concerns at all. In particular if redness persists, if the area is painful, or if you have any worries over pigment changes, please let us know.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Have you ever looked at your favorite movie star and wondered what it is that gives him or her that sheen of perfection? How do they look so good in close ups which show any blemish? Well, what was once their secret is now used by ordinary people all over America, as teeth whitening products become more available and more effective. Once the only way to fade stains caused by coffee or tea drinking, smoking or red wine, was to brush with a whitening product such as abrasive tooth paste, but nowadays there are many other options, and even stains caused by tetracycline can be bleached

Teeth whitening is a process by which teeth are made whiter and brighter by the use of hydrogen peroxide gel. No artificial layers are applied so there is no risk of the teeth losing their natural appearance

There are two methods of teeth whitening available at our practice:"Quicksmile" is a brand new technology which makes the full whitening result possible in less than one hour, in the surgery. It is completely safe, painless and highly effective. The speed of the procedure has made it a very popular option.

The second method of whitening involves the use of custom fitted applicator trays, at home, over seven to ten days. The trays are filled with a weaker peroxide gel (than that used in Quicksmile) and left in place overnight. This process is repeated ten to fourteen times until the whitening result is achieved

The most effective way to whiten your teeth is the "Quicksmile" procedure followed immediately by a short course of take-home whitening. The final outcome achieved with this technique is far better than with either method alone. Using this method the teeth are brought to their full potential for whiteness. There is also the advantage of having the trays available for future at-home touch-ups

After achieving the clean, bright results of teeth whitening the effect can be simply maintained by the use of whitening toothpastes, which may slow down the natural tendency of teeth to discolour over time.

Laser teeth whitening

New technology has resulted in the development of teeth whitening products which use a stable form of peroxide, which can be applied in several ways. If you wish to have the treatment done by your dentist, he will use a teeth whitening gel which he will paint on to your teeth after buffing them, and activate using laser light.

This treatment takes between 30 minutes to an hour and a half, depending on the amount of bleaching which needs to be done, and may need more than one appointment to get really good results. One of the fastest working products is the Zoom tooth whitening gel, used by many dentists.

Teeth whitening gel

However, many people prefer to bleach their teeth at home, using one of the commercial teeth whitening gels easily available on the Internet, or which can be bought from the dentist. One system uses a tray which is molded to fit the teeth by boiling it for a few minutes until it softens, and then biting on it for a few minutes, while others need to be sent to a dental lab to make the mold- this can take a few weeks, but usually results in a better fit.

The tray is filled with the teeth whitening gel and put in place, and needs to be in contact with the teeth for between four to eight hours, because although this is the same gel used by the dentist, the process is slower without the activation by laser light. The strongest of these teeth whitening products are those using 22% carbamide peroxide, these claim to whiten teeth by up to nine shades and deal with the toughest stains.

After finishing bleaching your teeth, there are several ways to keep them white, most of which are applied as toothpaste. Some use a weak form of the teeth whitening gel as well as abrasive paste, and some contain potassium nitrate, which reduces sensitivity caused by the bleaching process

Teeth whitening products

When you are trying to decide which of these teeth whitening methods or products suits you, take into account that although bleaching at home is cheaper and often more convenient, a dentist can advise you whether your teeth are suitable for the procedure. Some people have prominent fillings or crowns which will stay the same color after the treatment and will suddenly look unsuitable, others may have sensitivities to some of the chemicals used. Before choosing a whitening product, check with the American Dental Association. They have a list of approved products which bear the ADA seal , this list appears on their web site and is free.

Always check with your dentist before using any teeth whitening products!

Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic Surgery

Once an option available only to the rich, cosmetic surgery is fast becoming a realistic aid to attaining a perfect figure. As more surgeons have entered this speciality and techniques have improved, more and more people have begun to choose this option every year. Whilst dieting and exercise can reduce overall weight and go a certain way towards sculpting muscle, often some areas are left untouched by even the strictest of regimes. In other cases a successful diet resulting in a large weight loss can lead to the need for cosmetic surgery to complete the aesthetic effect by stretching skin and removing wrinkles.

Two of the most popular procedures are liposuction and abdominoplasty ( often known as the tummy tuck), both of which can be combined with a calorie controlled diet to achieve far better results than dieting alone, especially for those who tend to lose weight in certain areas and are left with areas of cellulose or a 'bulge' of fat which will not disappear! These procedures are sometimes carried out together, with liposuction improving the overall appearance of a tummy tuck, but each has its own advantages.

Liposuction is a fairly simple procedure in which a tube is inserted into fat deposits on the hips, thighs, abdomen or other problem areas, and fat is sucked out after being liquefied. It is ideal for those areas where permanent fat deposits, known as cellulose, have developed, and has the advantage that fat will usually not return to a treated area. Side-effects are usually minor, with a certain amount of bruising and swelling which heals within a few days, and the day after the procedure the patient can get out of bed. Abdominoplasty is a procedure which tightens muscles in the abdominal wall and flattens the stomach. This operation is meant to remove flab left after several pregnancies or after significant weight loss, and is a more invasive procedure than liposuction.Generally after this surgery soreness and swelling will last for several weeks, and it can take a month or more to return to work.

If you decide that you want cosmetic surgery, you should be aware of the facts. Cosmetic surgery is not for the obese, and cannot remove large amounts of excess weight. These procedures are meant for people whose overall health is good, and the tummy tuck in particular is considered major surgery. Women who are planning more children should not have this procedure, and if you smoke you must stop for several weeks before surgery.

One of the most important factors which can influence the outcome of cosmetic surgery is choosing the right cosmetic surgeon, and there are several ways to ensure that you find a good one. First of all, all good cosmetic surgeons are 'board certified'. This means that they have passed the strict requirements of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. Ask your surgeon to show you his certificate, and check that he is qualified in this area, not in a related area such as Plastic Surgery. Secondly, you can check that he is approved by the Medical Board in your state. Each state has a list of licensed physicians and keeps a record of complaints and malpractice suits.

Having cosmetic surgery can improve your self confidence and make you feel and look years younger. However, it is important to realise that the emotional and psychological impact of the changes in your body can be considerable. It can take months to get used to your new body, even while you are delighted with the results, and for this reason it is a good idea to wait until you feel that most areas of your life are under control before having a procedure. In addition, you should be realistic about what you expect from surgery, and not think that it can solve all the problems in your life!

Facelift (meloplasty)

The skin is cut in the scalp and around the ear. It is then separated from the underlying tissue, pulled tighter and stitched. Leftover skin is cut away. The operation can be performed under local or general anaesthetic, and may take anywhere from two to four hours. The face will be bruised and swollen for some weeks. Numbness or an uncomfortably tight sensation are common reactions and may continue for months after surgery

Eyelift (blepharoplasty)

The eyelids are cut along their full length to the ‘crow’s feet’ wrinkles at the outer corners. Excess skin and fat are removed. Laser resurfacing may also be performed to treat remaining wrinkles. This operation may take one to two hours and can be performed under local or general anaesthetic. The eyes will be bruised and swollen for a few weeks. Side effects include blurred vision, overproduction of tears and changed shape of the eyes (usually only temporarily).

Chemical peel

A chemical peel removes the surface layers of skin. A solution is wiped over the face and may be left uncovered or masked with lotion or tape. The chemicals burn the skin and the healing process promotes new growth. Deep burns remove the most wrinkles, but also increase the risk of complications such as scarring and infection


A device similar to an electric sander is applied to the face under local or general anaesthetic. The rough surface of the rapidly rotating pad rubs off the skin surface. The healing process promotes new growth. Deep dermabrasion removes the most wrinkles, but also increases the risk of complications such as scarring and infection.

Wrinkle reduction

Wrinkles can be lessened using friction or plumped out with a variety of technologies. Laser skin resurfacing uses a laser beam to burn the skin. Botox is an otherwise deadly toxin that is used in a small dose to paralyse the underlying muscles responsible for forming the skin wrinkles. Botulinum injections (Botox) can be a safe and effective temporary treatment of fine facial lines and wrinkles. Injections of fat or collagen can be piped along wrinkles to smooth them out.

Ear correction (otoplasty)

Ears that stick out from the head can be repositioned anytime after the age of five or six years. The fold of skin behind the ear is cut, and the excess cartilage is reduced or remodelled. The operation takes around one hour. Bandages need to be worn for a few weeks to help manage the bruising and swelling.

Nose surgery (rhinoplasty)

In most cases, the surgery is performed through incisions in the nostrils, leaving no visible scars. Bone and cartilage are trimmed and the nose reshaped. Nostril packs and splints may be required. This operation takes around two hours. Bruising and swelling may take three or four months to fully subside. Complications such as bleeding or infection are comparatively rare. Sometimes a chin implant is inserted at the same time to balance the profile.

Facial implants

Implants are used to fill out a receding chin or flat cheekbones. The implant is inserted through a small incision in a concealed place – for example, inside the mouth.

Lip enhancement

Thin lips can be fattened with a variety of procedures that offer short or long term results. Injections of collagen or fat are both eventually reabsorbed by the body. A permanent implant similar to a small, foam rod can be threaded through the lip.


Liposuction is a procedure that removes fat from the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms and throat. A narrow tube (cannula) is inserted through a skin incision and the fat is sucked out with a powerful suction pump. The operation can be performed under local or general anaesthetic. A pressure garment needs to be worn for some months to help the skin to contract and contour. The area will be bruised and swollen for weeks or months. Complications can include failure of the skin to contract, causing a corrugated look. A lipectomy is an operation that removes extra skin as well as fat.

Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)

Excess skin and fat from the abdomen are removed and the underlying abdominal muscles tightened. Often, the navel will need to be relocated. Incisions are generally made along the bikini line to minimise the visibility of scarring. This operation is performed using general anaesthetic. Numbness and sensations of uncomfortable tightness are common and may continue for some months after surgery. Complications include infection and the formation of fluid pockets.

Breast enlargement (augmentation mammaplasty)

Enlarging the breasts requires the insertion of saline or silicone implants. An incision is made under the breast or armpit and the implant is pushed through. It may be positioned either behind or in front of the chest pectoral muscle. There will be bruising and swelling for a few weeks. Complications include the formation of hard scar tissue around the implant, deflation of the implant, and implants that move out of position

Breast reduction (reduction mammaplasty)

Incisions are made beneath each breast and around the areolae of the nipples. Excess skin and fat are removed. The remaining breast tissue is remodelled and the nipples repositioned and stitched in place. Scars can take up to one year to fade, but will remain visible for life. Complications include reduced nipple sensation.

Things to remember

- Like any form of surgery, cosmetic surgery carries risks.
- It is vital to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon.
- Get a full explanation of the anticipated results.
Consider a second opinion before proceeding.